Tuesday 1 May 2012

New PhD project launched: Landscape modelling of future Mediterranean landscapes, Adrián Regos.

Screen shot 2012-05-01 at 11.13.39Adrián Regos has just joined the Biodiversity and Landscape Ecology Laboratory at the CTFC and CREAF, associated to the MONTES-CONSOLIDER and BIONOVEL projects. Specifically, his work will be focused on landscape modelling of Mediterranean landscapes in Catalonia (NE of Spain) using the MEDFIRE model. This model is a spatially explicit landscape model (SELM) that implements several processes operating at the landscape level with the aim to make predictions regarding the potential landscape configurations arising from the interaction of such processes.

Landscape models are used to simulate different management or global change scenarios allowing predicting and assessing of the future impacts of the main drivers of global change (land use or climatic change, natural and anthropogenic perturbations such as wildfires) as well as their effects on ecological communities and overall society.

Previously, Adrían has also worked in different topics related with spatial ecology, mapping of species distribution and behavioural ecology of wildlife, mainly breeding bird communities. This includes studies of feeding behaviour of aquatic birds and mapping of distribution of several species from field data, geographical information and regression logistic techniques. His interest is also focused on remote sensing and geographical information systems. Specifically, Adrián has analysed the land cover changes in mountain areas of NW Spain over last decade from Landsat-derived land cover maps. These studies included different methodological approaches to land use changes and several comparisons of different algorithms applied to image classification such as Support Vector Machine, Artificial Neuronal Networks and other more traditional procedures.


Adrián Regos acaba d’unir-se al Biodiversity and Landscape Ecology Laboratory del CTFC i del CREAF en el marc dels projectes MONTES-CONSOLIDER i BIONOVEL. Més concretament, el treball de l’Adrían es centrarà en la modelització del paisatge a Catalunya utilitzant el model MEDFIRE. Aquest és un model espacialment explícit (SELM) que implementa diversos procesos que operen a escala de paisatge com el foc o la dinàmica de la vegetació. L’objectiu final del model és la generació d’escenaris d’evolució possible del paisatge com a resultat de la interacció en el temps dels procesos inclosos en el model.


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