Wednesday 14 March 2012

New ECOLAND postdoc: Laura Cardador


Laura Cardador has joined the ECOLAND and Baclab groups in the context of the Steppe-ahead project.

Her main research interests have focussed on the ecological factors affecting spatial distribution and population dynamics of species, paying particular attention to human-induced environmental changes.

She has also wide interest in conservation biology. Most of her research has centred in agricultural landscapes and farmland bird populations. Using these systems as study models, she has worked on habitat selection and species distribution models, demographic components, regulation processes and intraspecific competition.


2006 – 2011: European PhD (FPU Fellowship, Spanish Government). Department of Animal Biology, University of Barcelona, Spain: “Factors affecting expansion success of bird populations in human-transformed environments: the Marsh harrier Circus aeruginosus in the Ebro Valley”.

2004 - 2005: Master in Experimental Biology, University of Barcelona, Spain

1999 – 2004: Degree in Biology. University of Barcelona, Spain


Peer-reviewed Journals (SCI)

Cardador L, Carrete M, Mañosa S (2012) Inter-individual variability and conspecific densities: consequences for population regulation and range expansion. PLoS ONE (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0033375).

Cardador L, Planas E, Varea A, Mañosa S (2012) Feeding behaviour and diet composition of the Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus in agricultural landscapes. Bird Study (doi: 10.1080/00063657.2011.648165).

Cardador L, Carrete M, Mañosa S (2011) Can intensive agricultural landscapes favour some raptor species? The marsh harrier Circus aeruginosus in Northeastern Spain. Animal Conservation 14: 382-390.

Cardador L, Mañosa S (2011) Foraging habitat use and selection of Western Marsh-Harriers (Circus aeruginosus) in intensive agricultural landscapes. Journal of Raptor Research 45: 168-173.

Cardador L, Mañosa S, Varea A, Bertolero A (2009) Ranging behaviour of Marsh Harriers Circus aeruginosus in agricultural landscapes. Ibis 151: 766-770.


Nova postdoc al group ECOLAND

La Laura Cardador s’ha integrat als groups ECOLAND i Baclab en el contexte del projecte Steppe-ahead.

Els principals interessos de la Laura s’han centrat en l’estudi dels factors ecològics que afecten la distribució i la dinàmica de les espècies, prestant una atenció especial als efectes derivats dels canvis ambientals relacionats amb les activitats humanes.


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