Wednesday 23 November 2011

Visit to Australian research centres

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New contacts and collaborations allow the ECO-LAND lab to establish a link with Australian scientists.

A research stay funded by the Catalan Government has allowed Lluís Brotons to visit Jane Elith at ACERA (Australian Centre of Excellence for Risk Analyses), located in the School of Botany at the University of Melbourne. The stay is focussing on the applications of Species Distribution Modelling (SDM) and the uncertainty issues associated to projections of SDM to future landscape changes. A international workshop on some of these issues is also scheduled.

Lluís Brotons has given two seminars on SDM applications in a Mediterranean context and contacted researchers from a number of research institutions. Contacts have been established with the Center of Excellence for Environmental Decisions, Arthur Rylah Institute and Deakin University.


Nous contactes i col.laboracions permeten el ECOLAND establir un lligam amb investigadors Australians.

Una estada de recerca finançada pel Govern Català, ha permés Lluís Brotons visitar Jane Elith de l’ACERA (Australian Centre of Excellence for Risk Analyses), institució de la School of Botany at the University of Melbourne. Aquesta estada s’ha focalitzat en les aplicacions dels Models de Distribució d’Espècies (SDM) i en la incertesa associada a las projeccions d’aquests models en paisatges futurs. Es preveu també la participació en un workshop internacional sobre aquests temes.

Lluís Brotons ha impartit dos seminaris sobre aplicacions dels SDMs en un context Mediterrani i ha contactat investigadors de diverses institucions de recerca establertes a Melbourne: Center of Excellence for Environmental Decisions, Arthur Rylah Institute i Deakin University.


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