Wednesday 14 September 2011

XXX International Union of Game Biologist (IUGB)

ECO-LAND has contributed to the organization of the XXX International Union of Game Biologist (IUGB) and XIII Perdix Congress, which was held in Barcelona from 5th – 9th September.

The congress was organized by the University of Barcelona with 400 attendees from about 40 countries including many of the world’s leading wildlife biologists. The general topic of the congress was “Human-wildlife conflicts and peace-building strategies”.

ECO-LAND and BAC labs participated in the discussions held in the workshop about “reconciling agricultural management, small game production and biodiversity conservation: recommendations for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform” and contributed with oral presentations and posters providing new data about common quail (Coturnix coturnix) distribution, migration phenology and population dynamics, and giving recommendations for quail hunting management in Western Europe.

Every two years since the mid-1950’s, the IUGB has brought together international wildlife biologists, forestry scientists, veterinarians, game managers, hunters and others with an interest in game or wildlife biology. The aim of the conference is to create a bridge among scientists, wildlife managers and authorities and those studying the human dimensions of wildlife management. Perdix XIII joined the IUGB Congress series for the third time in its history.

A great variety of fauna and game wildlife can be found in agricultural and farmland systems. However those ecosystems are very sensible and suffer fast changes due to agronomic conditions and human management. The Europe 2020 CAP strategy offers a new perspective through its response to the new economic, social, environmental, climate-related and technological challenges facing our society. Thus, the CAP contributes to developing intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth. A good understanding between farmers, hunters and landscape managers is key to provide recommendations and policy guidelines for the preservation and maintenance of agricultural ecosystems.


ECO-LAND ha contribuït a l’organització del XXX congrés de la Unió Internacional de Biòlegs de la Caça (IUGB) i XIII Congrés Perdix que es va celebrar a Barcelona del 5 al 9 de setembre. El congrés va ser organitzat per la Universitat de Barcelona i hi van assistir prop de 400 persones de 40 països diferents. El tema principal del congrés va ser "els conflictes home-fauna i les estratègies de reconciliació".

Cada dos anys, des de mitjans de la dècada dels 50, la IUGB reuneix biòlegs, científics forestals, veterinaris, gestors de caça, caçadors i altres parts interessades en la biologia de la caça. L’objectiu de la conferència és crear un pont entre els científics, els gestors de fauna, l’administració i tots aquells que estudien la gestió de la fauna silvestre.

Els laboratoris ECO-LAND i BAC del CTFC van participar en diferents presentacions orals, pòsters i workshops relacionats amb la gestió cinegètica en ambients agrícoles, per tal de discutir recomanacions a aportar a la nova política agrària europea (PAC).


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