Friday 23 April 2010

Course: Dynamic Landscape modelling by Andrew Fall

Next May 5th a new course will be organised on Dynamic landscape modelling. the course organised by the Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya in the context of the CONSOLIDER-MONTES and BIOPRED projects will be held in Solsona and given by Dr. Andrew Fall (Simon Fraser University, Canadà). Dr. Fall has developed SELES modelling environment (Spatially-Explicit Landscape Event Simulator).

Landscape ecology focuses on interactions between pattern and process. Landscape models provide a practical tool for landscape ecologists to explore natural disturbance, habitat supply, potential impacts from climate change, endangered species recovery planning, sustainable forest management, cumulative impact assessments, connectivity analysis, etc.

This one-day course will focus on the development and application of spatial-dynamic landscape models for research and management of large spatial areas. Dr. Fall has developed a tool to build landscape models, SELES (Spatially Explicit Landscape Event Simulator) over the past 14 years, which has been used across Canada and elsewhere for research and decision support.

Models have ranged from simple experiments (e.g. neutral models) to complex land-use planning and integrated analysis of coastal temperate rainforest ecosystems.This course will draw on these experiences using a mixture of presentations of concepts and case studies. Depending on participant interest, some simple hands-on examples, and open discussion among participants on current/local issues.
Curs sobre Modelització del paisatge impartit per l'Andrew Fall

El proper dimecres 5 de maig es realitzarà un curs d'un dia sobre Modelització Dinàmica del paisatge organitzat pel Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya (CTFC) a Solsona (Catalunya) dins el marc del projecte CONSOLIDER-MONTES. Aquest curs serà impartit pel Dr Andrew Fall (Simon Fraser University, Canadà) autor de l'entorn de modelització SELES (Spatially-Explicit Landscape Event Simulator). Seles permet desenvolupar models dinàmics de paisatge, des de senzills models neutrals fins models complexos d'ús del sòl. En el curs es presentaran diferents casos d'aplicació de SELES duts a terme a Canadà i Europa, amb fins de gestió i investigació. El curs s'impartirà exclusivament en anglès.

Si us plau, difondre aquest missatge a qui pogués estar interessat en assistir al curs.


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