Friday 11 September 2009

Ecochange summer school attended

From 7th to 10th of September 2009 Dani Villero has assisted to the ECOCHANGE Summer School “Predictive habitat distribution models: tools for building projections of global change impact on biodiversity” at Laussane (Switzerland), organized by Antoine Guisan, Willfred Thuiller & Nick E. Zimmermann, and with the participation of Thomas Edwards, Stefan Dullinger, Martin Sykes. This summer school is an initiative of the FP6 ECOCHANGE project (, that proposes to improve a range of advanced modelling approaches that has been used so far to assess the impact of global change on biodiversity and ecosystems.

The ECOCHANGE Summer School has included a series of theoretical sessions about different aspects of the modeling process (Concepts and Principles, Data and sampling designs, Modelling Techniques, Model Evaluation, Uncertainty Analyses and Ensemble Forecasting), which have been supplemented by practical sessions with the R statistical free software and its different libraries, particularly the modeling package BIOMOD.
Assistència al curs d'estiu ECOCHANGE

Del 7 al 10 de setembre Dani Villero ha assistit a l'escola d'estiu del projecte europeu ECOCHANGE "Models predictius de distribució de l'hàbitat: eines per construïr prediccions de l'impacte del canvi climàtic sobre la biodiversitat".


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