Friday 28 December 2012

EUBON project: Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network

Ecoland members will be involved in a new FP7 project representing the European Bird Census Council (EBCC) in the EU BON project. This project  presents an innovative approach towards integration of biodiversity information systems from on-ground to remote sensing data, for addressing policy and information needs in a timely and customized manner. EU BON will provide integration between social networks of science and policy and technological networks of interoperating IT infrastructures, resulting in a new open-access platform for sharing biodiversity data and tools, and greatly advance biodiversity knowledge in Europe.

EU BON’s 30 partners from 18 countries are members of networks of biodiversity data-holders, monitoring organizations, and leading scientific institutions. EU BON will build on existing components, in particular GBIF, LifeWatch infrastructures, and national biodiversity data centers.

EU BON’s goals:

- Enabling greater interoperability of data layers and systems

- Advancing data integration Increasing data mobilization (from science and society).

- Harmonizing and mainstreaming biodiversity recording and monitoring schemes

- Improving analytical tools and services Supporting (biodiversity) science policy interfaces

- Linking integrated information to relevant stakeholders.

-Strengthening European capacities and infrastructures for environmental information management

EU BON facts EU FP7:

- Collaborative Project

- Coordination: Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin 30 partners (18 countries)

- 9 work packages

- Project duration: 54 months; starting: December 2012

- Main objective of EU BON is building a substantial part of the Global Earth Observation Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON).

-  Key feature of EU BON is the delivery of relevant data – from on-ground observation and remote sensing – to the various stakeholders and end users ranging from local to global levels.

- Outcome: The integrative EU BON network will facilitate political decisions in different sectors in order to conserve biodiversity for human well-being at different levels, ranging from communal park management to IPBES.


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