Monday 28 March 2011

Visits to the ECO-LAND lab


During these last weeks we received two international visits to our lab.

Luke Kelly from Deakin University in Australia visited Solsona for some days in February, giving an interesting talk on fire regime impacts on biodiversity in southern Australia.

Cesar Capinha from Évora University has spent three months in our lab working on IMG_0865the spatial modelling of invasive decapods in Europe.

The work he has conducted in Solsona will be part of his PhD and allow the group to continue to explore new avenues in the research of invasive species ecology.



En aquestes darreres setmanes hem tingut dues visites internacionals rellevants.

En Luke Kelly de la Universitat de Deakin a Australia ens ha visitat i hem pogut comentar els estudis que el seu grup està realitzant al Sud d’Australia sobre l’impacte dels incendis sobre la Biodiversitat.

En Cesar Capinha de la Universitat d’Évora, ha estat dos mesos entre nosaltres desenvolupant models espacials del potencial invasors de diferents crancs de riu a Europa.


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