Thursday, 14 January 2016

Assistant technician position in landscape modelling and data analyses in Solsona (InForest JRU, CTFC-CREAF)

We offer a technician position in landscape modelling and analysis of environmental data to join the Biodiversity and Landscape Ecology Lab at the InForest Join Research Unit (CREAF-CTFC-CEMFOR) in the context of global change impacts on Mediterranean systems.

Main tasks to develop include assistance in the development, maintenance, and analyses of the data generated by different forest landscape models currently being used by the group for research purposes. These models are spatially explicit and allow generating landscape dynamics and fire regime variability scenarios. Our main modelling framework is currently the MEDFIRE model.

The position will be framed within the FORESTCAST project (CGL2014- 457 59742-C2-2-R) and the ERA-NET 459 FORESTERRA project INFORMED (29183). The successful candidate will also work on the technical model documentation and may be involved in the scientific articles derived from the modelling activities.


- University degree, preferably in an environmental area (Biology, Forestry, Geography) but also open to other areas (Maths, Physics, etc) when experience in environmental issues can be demonstrated.

- Previous experience in Geographic Information Systems, remote sensing and management of large data sets (e.g. Forest Inventories).

- Previous experience in teamwork.

- Strong background in statistical and modelling analysis (i.e. previous experience in R statistical language).

Other aspects

- Active involvement or experience in environmental modelling frameworks.

- High level programming skills.

- Publication record in international journals.

Working conditions

- The preselected candidates will go through a personal interview including specific tests on the required skills.

- Working place is at the CTFC-CEMFOR in Solsona (Lleida) and the initial contract is of for one year with possibility of extension. - Initial test period of 30 days.

- Salary according to the legal setting established by the CTFC.

Please send CV, reference contacts (at least 2) and a presentation letter (one page maximum) via e-mail, before February 10th 2016 to

Institutional and research context

The InFOREST JRU is a joint research venture by CTFC and CREAF. These are two forest research centres belonging to the Catalan network CERCA. One cornerstone of the InForest JRU is that it is built on strong national, European and global networks (Canada, Australia, etc), fact that sets up the offer place in an international scope research group. Mediterranean forests are complex socio-ecosystems characterized by an important biodiversity, high levels of spatial environmental heterogeneity, deep interlinking with human populations to which they provide a bunch of ecosystem services. Mediterranean forests are also considered as a hotspot of global change impacts. Based on meta-disciplinary research, our research vision will develop a dynamic approach of the resilience of Mediterranean forests by considering an integrated socio-ecosystem where management, ecological processes, and socio-economic processes interact. Climate change, land-use changes and new demands on ecosystem services act on the system as new disturbance factors or modify previous disturbance regime (fire), which will simultaneously impact the different compartments of the system.

The InForest JRU aims to fill-in knowledge gaps on the basic mechanisms that determine the response to disturbance of the socio-ecosystem, and extend existing models to integrate different processes and perform simulations accounting for their interactions. Modelling expertise by researchers included in the InForest JRU includes: forest dynamics and silviculture, fire behaviour, fire vegetation succession, niche models and optimization strategy and scenario development. Acquired knowledge of the InForest JRU research activity aims to be translated into operational recommendations and tools to support decision, from silviculture at stand level to framework planning and to policy making at regional or national scale. Beyond the cross-evaluation of current practices or organizations (e.g. evaluation of fire prevention strategies on biodiversity evolution or on the response to drought stress), we aim to propose innovative, alternative but still operational, management strategies.


Es busca tècnic/a en modelització ecològica i anàlisi de dades ambientals amb possibilitats d’incorporar-se al grup de Biodiversitat i Ecologia del Paisatge en el marc de la Unitat mixta InForest Joint dins de l’àmbit del canvi global i els seus impactes sobre els sistemes ecològics.

Les tasques a realitzar inclouen l’assistència al desenvolupament, manteniment i tractament estadístic de les dades generades en diversos processos de modelització ambiental que es treballen en el si del grup. Els models a impulsar són espacialment explícits i inclouen el desenvolupament d’escenaris de canvi de paisatge i variabilitat en el règim d’incendis a partir del model MEDFIRE. El candidat treballarà en el marc dels projectes FORESTCAST (CGL2014- 457 59742-C2-2-R) i INFORMED (ERA-NET 459 FORESTERRA: 29183). La persona seleccionada col·laborarà en la redacció de les memòries i articles científics derivats de la utilització de les bases de dades esmentades.


- Formació universitària, preferiblement en l’àmbit del medi ambient: Biologia, Ciències Ambientals, Enginyeria Forestal, Geografia física, però obert a d’altres àmbits (Matemàtiques, Física o altres Enginyeries) amb experiència en temes ambientals.

- Expertesa en Sistemes d’Informació Geogràfica i Teledetecció i gestió de grans bases de dades.

- Experiència prèvia de treball en equip.

- Coneixements en anàlisis i modelització estadística. (Preferiblement experiència prèvia en el llenguatge estadístic R).

Es valorarà positivament

- Participació activa i experiència en processos de modelització ambiental.

- Coneixements alts en llenguatges de programació.

- Experiència contrastada en la redacció de memòries o articles científics.

Condicions de treball

- Els candidats preseleccionats es sotmetran a una prova específica i a una entrevista per part dels serveis de personal del CTFC.

- Lloc de treball al CTFC-CEMFOR, Solsona amb una duració de contracte inicial d’un any amb possibilitat d’ampliació.

- Període de proves de 30 dies amb sou segons conveni CTFC.

Envieu CV, contactes de referència (mínim de 2) i carta de presentació (màxim una plana) per correu electrònic, abans del 10 de Febrer de 2016 a Lluís Brotons,


InForest és una unitat mixta de recerca formada pel CTFC-CEMFOR i el CREAF. Els dos centres formen part de la xarxa CERCA de recerca de Catalunya. Un dels pilars de la unitat mixta és que està formada per una robusta xarxa d’investigadors nacionals, europeus i globals (Amèrica, Australia...), fet que posiciona la plaça oferta en un grup de recerca d’àmbit i aplicació internacional. Els boscos mediterranis són sistemes socio-ecològics complexos caracteritzats per posseir una alta biodiversitat, alts nivells d’heterogeneïtat ambiental espacial i fortes relacions amb poblacions humanes a les qual proveeixen un conjunt de serveis ecosistèmics. Els boscos mediterrànies estan també considerats un “hotspot” d’impactes del canvi global. Basada en una perspectiva interdisciplinària, la nostra visió de recerca vol desenvolupar una aproximació dinàmica per mantenir la resiliència dels boscos mediterranis considerant sistemes socio-ecològics integrats on la gestió i les pressions ambientals i econòmiques interactuen mitjançant processos ecològics i socials. El canvi climàtic, els canvis d’usos del sòl i les ràtio de noves demandes en serveis ecosistèmics actuen sobre el sistema com a nous factors de pertorbació o fins i tot modifiquen règims de pertorbació previs, que simultàniament impactaran els diferents comportaments del sistema.

La unitat mixta InForests es proposa omplir buits de coneixement en els mecanismes bàsics que determinen la resposta de les pertorbacions dels sistemes socio-ecològics, i estendre els models existents per a integrar diferent processos i elaborar simulacions que tinguin en compte les seves interaccions. L’expertesa en modelització pels investigadors de la unitat mixta InForests inclou dinàmica forestal i silvicultura, comportament del foc, successió de la vegetació, models de nínxol, optimització estratègica i desenvolupament d’escenaris. El coneixement adquirit de l’activitat de recerca de la unitat mixta es pretén que sigui traslladat a recomanacions i eines operacionals per a donar suport a la presa de decisions, des de nivell de parcel·la a contextos lligats a planificació i elaboració de polítiques a nivell regional i nacional. Més enllà de la possible avaluació de pràctiques actuals, es volen proposar estratègies innovadores i alternatives de gestió dels sistemes socio-ecològics.

En català or click here for more info!

Thursday, 31 December 2015

Position on forest ecosystem monitoring using drone technology and remote sensing

A new position to conduct pre/post-doctoral research is open at CEMFOR (CTFC) - CREAF Joint research unit (InFOREST JRU) for one year (with the possibility of an extension) in the context of the new joint research unit between the two research institutions and the NEWFORESTS project.

We are seeking multi-disciplinary technology hearted researchers to investigate the possibilities of drone technology in forest health monitoring and dynamics with a focus on boreal and Mediterranean forest contexts.
Main focus of the work will be on testing and applying state-of-the-art methods and models in forest and biodiversity dynamics modelling at stand and landscape scales using drone-derived images taken with a variety of sensors. More specifically the candidates will:
- Integrate drone acquired imagery into analyses of forest health and disturbance dynamics.
- Translate the acquired knowledge on processes and interactions into operational tools.
 - Increase research capacity by efficient interaction with other related projects in this research area.
The position is for one year and will be initially based in Montreal (Canada) for a minimum of 10 months with a shorter stay in Solsona (Spain).
- Master degree in environmental sciences (ecology, forestry, geography or similar).
- Experience in drone technology (ie. pilot license). - Proven skills in remote sensing analyses.
- Experience in scientific publications.
- EU (European citizenship).
Institutional context and collaborations
The InFOREST JRU is a joint research venture by CTFC and CREAF. These are two forest research centres belonging to the Catalan network CERCA. A strength of CREAF-CTFC is that it is built on strong national, European and global networks. Collaborating with scientists within CREAF-CTFC and with the InForest research partners across Europe, America and Australia will greatly expand the candidate international network.

Research context
The NEWFORESTS exchange program brings together researchers from 5 research institutions: two from public research centres in Spain, Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia (CTFC) and Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF), one French institution, Bio-Archaeology and Ecology Centre (CBAE), and two Canadian Universities (University du Québec à Montréal, UQAM, and in Abitibi-Témiscamingue, UQAT) hosting two of the main hubs of the Centre for Forest Research (CEF). The aim of the NEWFORESTS project is to create a competitive platform at the international level to analyse the responses of forest ecosystems to global changes and integrate current knowledge in sound and innovative forest management and planning approaches. The general objective of the program is to determine how to effectively integrate woodland management (including non-management options) into strategies aimed to adjust and mitigate global change. The program is organized in 5 thematic work packages ranging from the basic understanding of forests dynamics, biodiversity and functioning to research on interactions between global change drivers determining disturbances regimes and the integration of the gathered knowledge into advanced modeling tools and sound management guidelines at different spatial scales. A fundamental aspect of the program is that it stresses not only the responsibility of human society as a major driver of global change, but also recognizes that we have an opportunity to mitigate this change through informed, proper management decisions
Working conditions
- Salary about 1650 euros (depending on experience, taxes included). Travel to Canada covered by the project. Other travelling costs not included.
- Working place in Montreal (Canada) and Solsona (120 km north of Barcelona, Spain), CEMFOR-CTFC.
Send CV, a motivation letter (one page maximum), via e-mail before January 15th 2016 to: Lluís Brotons, InForest (CEMFOR-CREAF-CSIC), Solsona.

En català or click here for more info!

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Wildfire seen from a drone

InForest mixed unity, composed by CTFC and CREAF, has published the first images taken by drones of the burned area from Òdena’s wildfire (Barcelona area), occurred last july which burned more than 1.200 ha. Ecoland lab and InForest are pioneers in drones use for ecology and conservation research.

These flying machines, according to Lluís Brotons, CSIC researcher of InForests unit (CTFC-CREAF) and coordinator of the new drone service, have a huge potential in fields such as forest ecology and conservation biology. Specially in burned areas, drones will allow to study and monitor the affected vegetation.

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New article: Predicting the future effectiveness of protected areas for bird conservation in Mediterranean ecosystems under climate change and novel fire regime scenarios

Global change challenges traditional conservation approaches based on the selection of static protected areas due to their limited ability to deal with the dynamic nature of driving forces relevant to biodiversity. The Natura 2000 network (N2000) constitutes a major milestone in biodiversity conservation in Europe, but the degree to which this static network will be able to reach its long-term conservation objectives raises concern.

In this work, recently published in Diversity and Distribution, we have evaluated, in collaboration with Antoine Guisan’s lab (Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne), ICO (Catalan Institute of Ornithology) and EBCC (European Bird Census Council), the future changes in the effectiveness of N2000 in a Mediterranean ecosystem between 2000 and 2050 under different combinations of climate and fire-induced land cover change scenarios. To our knowledge, the present study is one of the most ambitious attempts so far to forecast biodiversity changes (i.e. multispecies responses) based on simulations of future vegetation dynamics and fire disturbance under climate change in a fire-prone Mediterranean region.

Our findings show that although the future response of the species to these changes is species specific, large decreases in the amount of optimal habitats are expected for most of the species. In addition, our results also indicate that such a decrease in habitat suitability will be driven by both climate and land cover changes. Interestingly, the response of a high number of species to these changes is predicted to vary substantially depending on the fire management practices that will be implemented in the future. Our results also provide the first assessment of the future effectiveness of the currently established protected areas for the conservation of bird species targeted by N2000 under different combinations of climate and novel fire regime scenarios.

This study offers novel insights into how fire management policies in interaction with land abandonment and climate change might strongly impact on future biodiversity conservation in fire-prone Mediterranean ecosystems. We also emphasize the need for an integrative and proactive conservation perspective wherein agricultural, forest and fire management policies should be considered inside and outside N2000 to effectively maintain key habitats for threatened birds in these types of ecosystems. In the light of our results, we underline the need for an explicit consideration of landscape dynamics when forecasting the future effectiveness of a network of protected areas in a context of global change.

Regos, A., D’Amen, M., Titeux, N., Herrando, S., Guisan, A., Brotons, L., 2015. Predicting the future effectiveness of protected areas for bird conservation in Mediterranean ecosystems under climate change and novel fire regime scenarios. Divers. Distrib. doi:10.1111/ddi.12375

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Tuesday, 2 June 2015

New article: Optimising long-term monitoring projects for species distribution modelling. How atlas data may help

L.collurio-4-D.VieuxtempsIn this work, recently published in Ecography, we provide a method based on modern atlas data to guide the establishment of monitoring projects that will deliver useful data to build accurate distribution models. Long-term monitoring data are used to evaluate population trends, but they may also be integrated in spatial models to produce detailed species distribution maps at large spatial scales. However, sampling design has a strong impact on the predictive accuracy of distribution models and this issue is to be addressed when using this type of data.
We examined how the number of sampling sites influences the predictive accuracy of the models and we determined the minimum number of sites required to generate reliable spatial models as a direct output of monitoring projects. To do this, we calibrated large-scale, fine-resolution distribution models for 20 bird species using data collected during the ‘Breeding Bird Atlas of Wallonia’ (BBAW) project. Modern atlas projects like BBAW provide data that are analogous to monitoring data. We manipulated the amount of calibration data to represent a range of sampling coverage and we used independent evaluation data to calculate modeling performance parameters.
The modeling performance was sensitive to particularly small sample sizes and reached an asymptotic level beyond a fairly large sampling coverage. This asymptotic level varied considerably among species depending mainly on their prevalence. Our results suggest that a sampling coverage of 4-5% of the study area is sufficient for most of the species. This innovative analytical framework will guide the design of long-term monitoring projects suited to document and regularly update species distribution maps.
Aizpurua O., Paquet J.-Y., Brotons L. & Titeux N. (2014) Optimising long-term monitoring projects for species distribution modelling: how atlas data may help. Ecography, early view, doi: 10.1111/ecog.00749.

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Monday, 1 June 2015

New article: Dartford Warbler, unplanned fires and biodiversity conservation

Mediterranean landscapes are highly dynamic systems. Climate change is one of the most powerful driving forces of these dynamics and, in the Mediterranean basin, its severity has markedly increased in recent years. However, climate change impacts on biodiversity are often also indirect through changes in disturbance regimes  Fire is a critical factor in the Mediterranean and is likely to drive landscape change effects over large areas.

In this study, recently published in Journal of Ornithology, we ask the following questions: (1) how will climate change synergically with fire-conducted vegetation dynamics affect the distributional range of Dartford Warbler over the next 50 years?; and (2) can fire management offset distributional shifts caused by climate change and natural succession processes? Our group, in collaboration with Antoine Guisan’s lab (Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne), ICO (Catalan Institute of Ornithology) and EBCC (European Bird Census Council), have assessed the potential changes in Dartford Warbler distribution between 2000 and 2050 under different fire management and climate change scenarios, and described landscape dynamics using a spatially-explicit fire-succession model that simulates fire impacts in the landscape and post-fire regeneration (MEDFIRE model).

The Dartford Warbler was recently evaluated on a global scale as Near Threatened in the IUCN Red List, since it is declining at a moderately rapid rate. Declines in the core populations in Spain are largely responsible for the estimated overall decline of the species due to habitat degradation and modification and climate changes. For this study, Dartford Warbler occurrence data were acquired at two different spatial scales from: (1) the Atlas of European Breeding Birds (EBCC) and (2) the Catalan Breeding Bird Atlas (CBBA). Habitat suitability was modelled using five widely-used modelling techniques in an ensemble forecasting framework (BIOMOD2).  

Our results thus highlight the need to take the spatial interaction among climate change, fire-mediated landscape dynamics and fire management policies in highly dynamic and fire-prone ecosystems into account to accurately predict habitat suitability changes of early-succession bird species in a context of land abandonment. Fire management programs must be integrated into conservation plans to effectively preserve sparsely forested and early-succession habitats and their associated species in the face of global change.

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Monday, 18 May 2015

New article: Predictive modelling of fire occurrences from different fire spread patterns in Mediterranean landscapes


In a new work published recently in International Journal of Wildland Fire, we present a modelling exercise for predicting different fire spread patterns in Catalonia, NE Spain.

We introduce mathematically a novel classification of fires according to dominant fire spread pattern, an approach considered in operational fire-fighting, to help understand regional-scale spatial variability in fire regimes. Dominant fire spread patterns are usually linked to specific synoptic weather conditions, topography, or vegetation patterns, determining fire behavior and thus fire suppression opportunities. More deeply, we studied whether climate, topography and fuel variables allowed the prediction of occurrences from different fire spread patterns in Catalonia, NE Spain.

We used MaxEnt to model fire occurrences of wind-driven, topography-driven and convective fires for two different time periods (1989-1999 and 2000-2012). A cross-validation between the two decades modelled was conducted, and results were consistent in all types of fire. The variation partitioning analysis showed how convective fires were more related to forest fuel factors, while wind-driven fires were mostly predicted by unmanageable factors, as topography and wind. Topography-driven fires occurred over a broader range of environments where stronger fire spread determinants such as fuel loads or strong winds were not greatly inducing the occurrence of the other fire spread patterns.

The results presented offer new insights about potential approaches allowing the assessment of environmental change impacts on different types of fire spread patterns. Changes in land-use vegetation cover or changes in forest structure are just an example of the type of events that can differentially determine the occurrence of different kinds of spread patterns. Under a global change context where the future of fire regimes still being uncertain, these findings may have a strong impact on investigations into how fire regimes may be projected into the future under forecast global change as they suggest that future environmental changes may affect different fire spread patterns in an idiosyncratic manner.

Duane, A., Piqué, M., Castellnou, M., & Brotons, L. (2015). Predictive modelling of fire occurrences from different fire spread patterns in Mediterranean landscapes. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 24(3), 407-418.

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